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  • Mt. Horeb Makes A Statement 
    on Redistricting Reform
    The following item was on the Village of Mount Horeb's December Board Meeting ;
    "Consider Resolution 2021-23 Supporting Creation of a Non-Partisan Procedure for the Preparation of Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Plans."
    The proposed action was initiated by a group of concerned citizens wishing to take action on the important issue of redistricting reform. After a spirited discussion on the resolution the Mount Horeb Board passed the resolution. The village's statement of resolve, will be forwarded to legislators, the Governor and League of municipalities. Mt Horeb will an impressive list of municipalities throughout the state who have resolved to revive democracy by adopting non-partisan districting. To see the proceedings go to: https://trollwaytv.viebit.com/player.php?hash=oZnyUmXMhOXK
    WHEREAS, pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 of the Wisconsin Constitution, the Wisconsin Legislature is directed to redistrict state legislative districts “according to the number of inhabitants” at its next session following the decennial federal census. The Legislature also reapportions congressional districts at the same interval pursuant to federal law; and,
    WHEREAS, because state and federal legislative redistricting is controlled by the majority party at the time of the redistricting, legislative and congressional plans in Wisconsin have been subject to partisan influence that puts the desires of politicians ahead of the electoral prerogative of the people; and,
    WHEREAS, the state and congressional districts belong to the citizens of Wisconsin and not to any legislator, interest group or political party, the redistricting process should not be a tool used by those in power to protect and bolster their power, but should be designed with the best interest of Wisconsin’s democracy and its citizens; and,
    WHEREAS, Wisconsin’s historical practice of redistricting by the majority party in each legislative chamber is an outdated practice that stifles political competition, discourages compromise, ensures continued control by the party in power, and lacks the transparency necessary to reinforce citizens’ faith in the democratic process; and,
    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Board of the Village of Mount Horeb hereby requests the State Legislature pass legislation that creates a fair, nonpartisan and transparent procedure for the preparation of legislative and congressional redistricting plans; and,
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the process promotes more accountability and transparency and prohibits the consideration of voting patterns, party information, and incumbents’ residence information or demographic information in drawing the maps, except as necessary to ensure minority participation as required by the U.S. Constitution; and,
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Board of the Village of Mount Horeb advocates for an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution giving the responsibility of legislative redistricting to a nonpartisan commission; and,
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Clerk is directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin League of Municipalities, its current representatives and leadership of the State Legislature.
    Introduced and passed this 1st day of December, 2021. 
    Below: Nice article on the approval of Mt. Horeb resolution on redistricting reform in this week's Mt. Horeb Mail. Pick up a copy in town, or subscribe to online edition at https://www.mounthorebmail.com.


  • Below are a few of the hundreds of citizens who testified against Republican gerrymandered district maps.
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