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Who We Are ×
  • "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead -
  • Welcome, Glad you found us! The Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressives (SWWAP) is a local Mt. Horeb area democracy-in-action group advocating progressive government policies that work for a sustainable future. The group is committed to educating the public, as well as itself, in current events. SWWAP believes that such an ongoing education is necessary to participate in our democracy as informed citizens in this warp-speed world we live. The group holds education forums, encourages campaign volunteer opportunities for progressive candidates, and works with other progressive groups in southern Wisconsin. SWWAP also maintains a website (www.swwap.org), social media, and distributes an e-mail newsletter. SWWAP invites you to check out our social media site at https://www.facebook.com/MtHorebProgressives, sign up for our e-newsletter service, check out our calendar of events, or perhaps sponsor our work with a donation. We serve the progressive community in Mount Horeb and surrounding towns, we would love to hear ideas for events or actions, email us with your ideas to swwaplist@gmail.com.
  • Contribute To SWWAP

    For nearly two decades SWWAP has been the voice of progress in the greater Mount Horeb area. SWWAP has produced a host of engaging forums and events highlighting topical issues, hosted dozens of social events and concerts, published monthly newsletters and operates a vibrant web page and social media, and helped promote progressive champions to office.  

    The Southwest Wisconsin Area Progressive group does not have memberships. It exists and it actions are funded entirely from donations by the progressive community. Donations are what drives SWWAPs actions. If you wish to make a contribution and help ensure your progressive organization remains active, SWWAP extends its sincere thanks.

    Contribute online at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=YSJWKQ644XY8N&source=url

    Send a check made out to SWWAP to:

    SWWAP Treasurer, Carol Larsen
    9593 Overland Rd, Mount Horeb WI, 53572
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  • Donate To SWWAP
  • Need to check your voter registration status, find out what's on the ballot, find your polling station, request or track and absentee ballot? https://myvote.wi.gov/ is your one stop website for the answers. 



    Local opinions get published and read! Consider sharing your thoughts with your local paper as a letter to the editor.

    Send Copy To The Mount Horeb Mail at  mgeiger@newspubinc.com



  • Check Out These Worthwhile Organizations

    Wisconsin Democracy Campaign - The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is a homegrown network of citizens fighting government corruption and working for fair elections, judicial integrity, media democracy, and open and transparent government. The Democracy Campaign pursues these objectives through research, citizen education, community outreach, coalition building and direct advocacy.

    Wisconsin League of Women Voters of Dane County - The local chapter of the League of Women Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, national organization whose purpose is to promote informed and active participation of citizens in government at all levels. 

    Common Cause Wisconsin - Together with our members and activists, Common Cause Wisconsin strives to ensure that every eligible voter can have a say, that our elections represent the will of the people, and that our state government is of, by, and for the people. We are leading and defining the democracy reform movement in our state, promoting solutions that shift power to the people, and produce equitable outcomes reflecting our shared values.

    We Are Many United Against Hate - United Against Hate is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of common people—urban and rural, spiritual and secular—seeking equal protection for all, united against hate, bigotry and racism. The organizaiton uses outreach and intervention in communities to promote understanding, healing, reconciliation and redemption. Instead of simply condemning the latest eruptions of hate-inspired violence, we dig down to the root causes of division, fear and hate. And we advocate policies creating greater economic security, promoting religious tolerance, celebrating differences and honoring America’s heritage of openness to foreigners.

    Farley Center For Peace Justice and Sustainability - The Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice and Sustainability is dedicated to socially progressive change, community partnership, sustainability and ecological justice. The Farley Center is located in rural Verona.

    ACLU of WisconsinThe American Civil Liberties Union dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Their mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees.

    Driftless Area Land Conservancy - The Driftless Area Land Conservancy's purpose is to maintain and enhance the health, diversity and beauty of Southwest Wisconsin's natural and agricultural landscape through permanent land protection and restoration, and improve people's lives by connecting them to the land and to each other.

    Blue Mounds Area Project - Our community-based non-profit organization partners with local land owners to enjoy, protect, and restore native habitats, wildlife, and ecosystems. Learn more and join us!

    Center for Media and DemocracyThe Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a nationally recognized watchdog that leads in-depth, award-winning investigations into the corruption that undermines our democracy, environment, and economic prosperity.


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